This application was developed with the main purpose of helping you in your service.
Before downloading this application, watch the
video from the site.
This application is the work of a Jehovah's Witness. If your Bible trained conscience does not allow you to download this or any other application, please respect your conscience. However, it is not necessary to make negative comments, remember that we are "cautious like snakes" but "meek [or innocent] like doves" (Matthew 10:16).
It has what it takes to keep a good record of your preaching, as well as the publications, videos and return visits you make during the month.
Whatever your privilege of service, it will also help you to analyze your goals and how you are reaching them. Of course, you can adjust the goal in settings.
It has graphics that you will see:
The time of service performed during the month, and compared to last month.
Do you know what day you spend more time in the service? If you do not know, here you will see what it is and how much time you have dedicated. That way you'll make the plans better.
Very important especially for pioneers, this graph will show how well you are
. It will also indicate how much is needed to reach the average in the following days (Gray)
section will help you record the courses you do, and in your final report you will see the number of
Bible courses. Interested people can also be added to remember them
You can also organize and analyze your service using
These serve to be able to see in detail the time, and other details, that you dedicate to certain activities such as:
Assigning a color to distinguish it
Soon will be added new functions.
May Jehovah bless your service!